Wednesday, November 29, 2006

i know this is a bit old but.. gosh!

mihu: what did the tree say to the naughty leaves? 'leaf' me alone or i'll 'bark' at you. *takes a bow*


Charmaine on 5:45:00 PM

Monday, November 27, 2006

xian jie sent this to me in socpsy. i swear, xian jie's sense of humour ah... anyway! this is totally untrue, unfounded and there's NO EVIDENCE!

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not true, i tell you.

Charmaine on 3:38:00 PM

Legend has it that Alexander the Great always slept with two objects under his pillow: a dagger, and a copy of The Iliad. According to him, these two objects not only possessed practical usefulness (protection from enemies and a means to pass the time), but also defined his personality (both a soldier and a scholar).
Along these same lines, what two objects would legend record you as having under your pillow? Which two items best represent who you are and what is important to you?

omg, i, like, totally have underwear under my pillow. you know, when you like, sleep naked? people totally can catch you unaware. and like, you soooo don't want them to see your tushie. so like, yeah, i totally keep my underwear under my pillow.

AHAHAHAH. i'm kidding, relax. you can continue eating lunch. i don't sleep naked... yeah.


i had a great weekend. let's start with saturday with ym cousins. i've never had so much fun with them since ten years ago when we found a ikea trolley behind my grandma's house and played car-car with it.
(basically you push each other around in the trolley and make sound effects like vroom vroom. yes, i'm easily amused.)

yeah, brendan, brian, mark, kyle, jie and i walked to clementi central. WOOHOOO, great place righttttt. so we went to snookerium or something, and jie and i watched the guys play games. then jie told me something.. slightly gross but still made me kind of jealous.

you know ryan star? from rockstar supernova? yeah, he came to singapore for don't know what reason, then my sister's friend went to interview him for urbanwire. after the interview, they had to take a pic together. he... stood behind her, wrapped his arms around her such that his hands were like, all over her boobs, and then he actually whispered into her ear, 'i'm so turned on right now.'

OMG. ryan star?!?! i THOUGHT he was decent. but but, why am i slightly jealous. oh well. snap out of it, charmaine.

ok, back to my cousins. we went to macs later, and SOMEHOW, like ALWAYS, my sis and i ended up paying for most of the food. aha. i don't mind anyway, i bought mark and kyle ice creams before that. they were.. suspicious of my generosity.. why! i'm a nice cousin! it comes naturally..

then we walked back to my grandma's house. and and, we had a race! bren started piggybacking mark (which i find weird, cos amrk's taller. u 14 yr old, 5 11" freak, mark.) then i asked brian for one too, and then we ran and caught up with the other two. i think we won. we deserve to, my chest hurt.

it was sooo fun, i haven't been piggybacked since primary school. my mum would wake me up in the mornings, then piggy back me to the bathroom to wash up. i can hear the 'awwww's from you guys now.

later we named each others babies. i named bren's daughter apple mok ping guo, his son banana mok xiang jiao. brian's one is going to be named mcnugget mok jia shu tiao. and my daughter's going to be feng huang and my son huo long. wooohoooo, lian beng names.

oh yeah, brian was poking his toes into kyle's side. he said very comfy, like, his fats was covering his toes, very nice to dig around in. sick.


sunday. oh gosh. sunday. my mum... signed my sis and i up for this kanebo miss glamour contest shit. GOSH. she wants to kill us both. basically you pay $80, get your face and hair done, get a few pics to take home, then get to buy $65 worth of kanebo products.

jie and i were both dreading it. dreading it so much. for good reason. ok, the make up was.. alright. blue eyeshadow... but you can't really see it in the pic. the HAIR. GOSH.

ok, the guy, didn't speak to me at all, didn't ask me what i wanted. he started like.. doing the top of my hair in like.. cornrows or something, i looked like an alien. and THEN, he started twirling the hair at the bottom into small bunches. the looked like DREADLOCKS. i realised then that he wanted to make me look black. cornrows and dreadlocks.....

he then got his friend to help him. and they were speaking in chinese, but YES i understood. he basically said he was sick of doing the usual styles, so he was trying something NEW. then he told the girl, can take bigger bunches, cos alot of ppl, they need a break.

after i realised they were going to do my WHOLE head in dreadlocks, i told them to stop. so the guy.. sulked a bit.. and then he pinned up the dreadlocks to the side. and sprayed GLITTER on my hair.

so i looked like a overdressed lian going to perform at some getai. goshhh. the poses they asked us to do wasn't any better. 1980s cheena poster girl style. gosh. i wanted to cry with shame. you know, the put your hands on one shoulder and act demure kind...

so, you guys are NEVER going to see the picture. i can show you my sister's though.

after that was over i went straight to the toilet to get everything out.


i was on the bus to school and i fell asleep. the guy next to me was wearing this nice soft jacket, and it was so warm and cosy.... i think i accidently rubbed against his arm alot while i was sleeping. i don't feel embarrassed, it felt soooo nice. haha, gosh what's wrong with me.

Charmaine on 9:21:00 AM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

i walked into the library through the 'exit' door today! and then we walked out throught the 'no exit' door.

woohooo, we are such rebels.

Charmaine on 1:06:00 PM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

i had a special phone call from a special someone today.

i picked up the phone and there was this very soft voice.

i later found out it was my niece (:.

anyway the conversation went like this.

me: hello

glenda: hello? is charlotte jie jie there?

me: no, but do you want to call her hp?

glenda: oh! charmaine jie jie. i'm glenda. charmaine jie jie, u got read the.. the teens magazine?

me: hello, glenda! no, i don't read it, why?

glenda: charmaine jie jie, you on teens magazine eh.

me: what?? glenda, what do you mean?

glenda: ah zhi ah yi bought the teen.. teens magazine today. then hor, you inside eh.

me: huh? you saw me inside or ah zhi ah yi showed you? are you sure it's me?

glenda: ah.. ah ma call me.. bye bye.

me: bye bye.

huh?? i have no idea what that was. glenda's only 6, cute lil girl right. i went down to spc to get a copy of the magazine but they didn't have stock. the mystery is unsolved. but but, we do get one mystery solved. the mystery of sabrina's secret identity!

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she's a nympho. gosh. i never knew.

anyway, look at this, the argentine tango. i'd give my right ear to dance like that.
Argentine Tango - So You Think You Can Dance

Charmaine on 9:18:00 PM

i want many many moonies.
many many many.

news update:

sabby is going to become a greek guy, and she's a nympho
estella is going to be an ntu lecturer wearing bikinis
mona is going to get breast implants
nitha is the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority
raewyn is actually a diesease in the us, and she designs kid wear
nigel died on March 30th 2006,
charmaine has a porn star with the same name and she has many secret identities
mok is just mok. he's going to have lil mok moks

the wonders of google predictions.


Charmaine on 3:31:00 PM

Monday, November 20, 2006

omg mona, so so so so so so similar. they're all the same. freaking carbon copies of each other. same situation, same problem, around the same time too. same type of person. and agnes is talking about MARRIAGE. NUUUUUUUUU.

they're exactly the same. making the same mistake, saying the same things, asking US to make the decision. to take away the guilt, i tell you.. so that the weight of the decision and the outcome doesn't lie on their shoulders. how can they be so hesitant when we were so definate in our answer. why do they doubt the outcome. why do they keep looking. what do we lack. what didn't we give.

ok, maybe i know what i didn't give. but i think you were wonderful. you didn't do anything wrong. it's all made up problems, dammit.

omg, just give me an arrange marriage next time k.

Charmaine on 10:41:00 AM

the theme of mona's birthday was, all guys are bastards. i totally SEE the SIMILARITIES in our stories mona and singyi. so freaking clear. ARGHHHHHHH. you so don't deserve her. i'm so disgusted with you. you lied too.

on the other hand we have guys who are.. well, THE standard for all to follow. NIGEL LEE XUAN XIAN, are u reading this?? you're wonderful~!!

maybe my judgement's biased.. nah. nah, don't think so.


yesterday, jie and i went crazy with my camera! we posed twitily while my mum took the pics for us. then then we went to the jacuzzi pool. there was no one but us, so we.. danced and shrieked and jumped and sang and gossiped. i heard that the years twos.. alot of politics and other stuff. i love my jie (:. i think she's the only person i can be totally uninhibited with. totally freeeeeee, like hula dancing/butt slapping/70s dancing/singing off-key/primping/crazy yelling/bubbly fun.

i'm going to miss her when she leaves next july. no one to go shopping with me. no one to bother in the wee hours of the morning. no one to share gossip with. no one to pick out clothes for me. i'm going to have to shop with my parents.... nuuuuuuu.

maybe he was right, maybe after my sister leaves, i'll get much more freedom from my parents, like him. maybe they'll let me go out more often, stay out later.

HAH. i doubt it. my parents are not his parents. they don't even allow me to sleepover at my friends' place anymore. i think my parents have a weird sense of whats safe and not. they dont allow my to sleep over at my friends', but they invited him on a holiday with the family?? haha, funny parents.

oh right. my bus was too full to pick me up this morning, so i thought i was going to be late. so i took a cab, cost me $9.70. and then i realised speech com was cancelled. AH! smart charmaine. very smart..

Charmaine on 9:03:00 AM

Friday, November 17, 2006

today.. is the day before mona's birthday! everyone, sing to mona!

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to mona,
happy birthday to you~

have a wonderful 17th year of your life. i wish you all the luck and happiness there is to wish. ohoh, i also wish pretty clothes for you! not that you already have alot. sheesh. anyway, i wish pretty shoes for you too! and moneys. many many moneys. i want many moneys too.. share with me k? marry rich and murder the guy. with your future tongue piercing, kill him with it. like, how jeremy says to use it.

haRpIeeEe bUrfdaEexxZz 2 eEu!!

today we went to arab street! ohmigosh-what-a-wonderful-place. i wish i had loads of cash to buy up the stuff in the shops there. i'm going crazy over accessories. very ironic. i made jewellery to sell for profit. then i use the profit to buy jewellery. aha. aha. aha. ohoh, i saw this couple taking wedding pics at the ice-cream/accessories/clothing/telephone shop. i think it's a great idea. have i mentioned im dead envious? no? ok, IM DEAD ENVIOUS.

i wonder why everytime when we go out, we always seem to go like.. to dhoby gaut, bugis, orchard. tainted places, i tell you... grrr. so it's not my fault i start to remember stuff righttt. it's the places! im starting to get ridiculous, if i were so affected i wont be able to sleep in my own bed rightt. but nooo. i can do it everyday. so HAH! im so much less affected by it.

tadaa! charmaine's lil quirky theories. i still hate it when he looks away though. rawr you! RAWR!! i, harry potty shall vanquish the dark lord. woohoo~

so anyway, you should be pretty bored by my text now. here's a taste of xian jie's genius for you!

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shafik trying to eat with chopsticks. HAHAHA, you non-chineseeeeeee. you non-yellow skin. lucky you. i look like i have permanent jaundice.

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nitha loves all of us. and lookie there, the elusive genius photographer.

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we are unworthy to look upon the genius photographer's face. thus we gaze upon his equally genius encased feet.

ah mehul, mona, so freaking sorry. erm. ok. i don't know what else to say.

Charmaine on 11:53:00 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

yesterday someone told me something that i found.. rather interesting. i wouldn't go so far as to call the person wise.. not yet anyway. so, person A said that there are two types of love. practical love and romantic love.

practical love he says.. is when you learn to love someone after a while, when you think of the future and stuff. and romantic love is.. well, romantic love. and practical love lasts longer than romantic love.. and the best kind is a mix of both.

I know it doesn't sound deep, but it sounded deep on monday ok!

another thing i heard from someone that i really liked is what my cousin said. i think my cousin's a bloody genius.. and i'm related to him, HAHAHA.

he says that the only true confirmation of love is when you're 80 and in your death bed, your spouse is at your side and he says, 'i've loved you'. so sweet right. so anyway, he says he believes that all the other i love yous you hear now are just a reassurance that the person is willing to work towards that end point, that true confirmation of love.

i think his analogy's lovely. it's so so so beautiful.

ok, so. my cousin's a genius. and and, i'm related to him!

and nigel says love is when you wake up next to someone and say, 'gosh her breath stinks.. but i love her (:'.

timmy says thats not true. he said.. something that i do not wish to repeat. haha. you should be happy, mona. i think every other girl's envious.

Charmaine on 3:28:00 PM

Monday, November 13, 2006

I haven't been blogging for the past few days, i guess that's because, my weekend was crazy busy!

Let's start off with friday, went to eat dinner with my classmates and honorary classmates Steve and Singyi. By the way, orchard is FULL of christmas spirit already, there were people singing carols and christmas lights lit.. pretty pretty.

Christmas makes people happy, makes me happy too, i get to spend a really nice day with my extended family and then the cousins get to go out together, very sweet (:. Christmas makes me lonely too!! It's like this nagging feeling at the back of my mind. I lost my early christmas present i wanted from mehul already.

Anyway anyway! this is like, the last christmas i get to spend with my sister before she leaves for australia, very awww right.

On saturday, i went to sell my jewellery off at united world college. I don't really care if i made money at all, as long as i manage to pay off the cost. The jewellery-making really got my mind off things during the holidays, made me busy and stuff.

BUT OF COURSE MAKING A PROFIT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY. Which i am! total sales amount to $566, cost is about $300? So after my auntie takes away her share, i'll probably get about $180. YAY! YAY! YAY!

Anyway, the fair at UWC was so boring, everything was so freaking overpriced. It's as if the people who study there print notes on a daily basis. AND AND the only cute guys were... either my cousins or 2 years too young.

Still, some of us did benefit from it.. i earned my money, bought a cute lil gingerbread man to eat (i saw this cute lil boy named lucas, his older brother bought him a gingerbread man with blue icing for him to eat. The older brother was so so so sweeeet, my sis never buys me gingerbread men..) Nitha and sabby got chinese tattoos, singyi and sabby got their fortunes told (sabby and singyi are both going to have 3 kids, and sabby is apparently motherly.) and singyi realised she wants eurasian kids.

YAY! Baby fever for everyone! Babies are great. I found out why i want them so badly. They're cute, they smell great. And the deeper part is that cause i want to raise and influence someone, someone to look up to me, someone to rely on me, i want to have someone who is guaranteed to love me back no matter what stupid mistakes i make.

Sunday was shopping day with jie! I think i spent like.. half of my profits from the jewellery sale. Oops.

Ok, bye byeee. toodle noodles.

Charmaine on 9:26:00 AM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

tOdaE wE nOrtIee skOol kIdS woRx.. we left in the middle of school to go orchard! there was mona, mehul, sabby, mok, nigel, and and... omg, XIAN JIE. i think we're all excited when xian jie goes out with us. it's like this rare treat, and then you also get to have nice pics taken of yourself. so, yay.

we came, we ate, we conquered!

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some of my favourite boys

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some of my favourite girls (:

and while we conquered our subway subs with jabs on erm, meatballs, headroom, pigu, polly the bear did some conuering of his own.

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he conquered a pole at a bus stop! king of the castle.. sitting high up on the pole. high for him anyway.

we didn't have much time do anything else, so after browsing at kino for a while, we left for school again. we were just on time!

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sabby looks bored, and nigel seems to be poking his imaginary friend's eye. his name is legin eel naux naix. mona's shocked at nigel's violence.

random lies to tell young kids:
*when you switch channels, the presenter on the previous channel immediately dies.
*cabbage patch kids aren't made from cabbage, they're made from 100% organic potatoes.
*harry potter died two days ago. cause of death is violent allergic reaction to potatoes.
*pink hula hoops give you cancer.
*a pediatrician is another word for mechanic. the reason why your parents bring you to that 'doctor' is because you're a robot.
*if you can pat your knee and stick out your tongue at the same time, you're likely to die by age 20.

on a more serious note, i think my mum running away from home for that bit turned out to be a blessing in disguise? yeah yeah, she's still not talking to us, but i heard from my dad that, she msged him some pretty amazing stuff. she said sorry to him, for her outburst. according to my dad, she's never said that to him before. well, maybe she has, but for small incidents and you can probably count those times with your toes.

i've never seen my parents being close. and there have been many times when i wondered if my parents even loved each other. if they do, they really don't show it. i blame chinese conservativeness and my grandpa. my mum's so self-sufficient and individualistic, that i think showing emotions for her is like.. 3rd or 4th nature. not that she's a bad mum, she's wonderful. i think that she put so much of herself into raising my sis and i that, she somehow lost her identity, lost most of her friends. the only identity she knows now is as a mother, a daughter and a sister. i feel guilty somehow.

i read stories of how kids see their grandparents dancing in the kitchen together, and i see old couples with tarnished gold rings holding hands on the bus, helping each other balance. i look at all that and i'm like, damn, i want that. so anyway, i look back at my own parents and i wonder if it is possible.

this incident made me feel so much better about my family, i don't have that many worries anymore, i know for certain my parents won't ever seperate, i won't ever have to deal with a broken family. and i love my parents for that, i know they put in alot of effort.

i've never seen my dad look so happy for so long, he said ma msged him, apologised for her behaviour, and then she said something he hadn't heard in such a long time too, she ended off her msg with 'love you'. my dad told her, that he won't ever leave her, no matter what happens. he was genuinely touched. you know, even all his birthday wishes, and all that he works towards, is only to have a happy family. he doesn't wish for like, a new car, a new phone, more business for the company.. i've never heard that.

i'm so blessed to have a great dad. can you imagine, he works his butt off day after day, he puts up with my mum... (ok, sometimes she's a lil hard to deal with k..) and even though she hardly ever admits her mistakes and stuff, he stands by her, and he says she's a wonderful wife and mother (which she is). and all he wants is a happy family. how rare is that for a guy huh. my dad's amazing. and it helps to that he's very generous with his family. he throws shopping money at us sometimes, then demands he carry our shopping bags. WAAHHHH.

yeah, my family's not back to normal yet, she still refuses to talk to my sis and i. but gosh.. i think when everything gets back to normal, it'll be so much better than before. honestly i can't wait. now i know, my parents may not be in love, but they definately love each other. and it's the kind that holds up (:.

Charmaine on 12:46:00 AM

Sunday, November 05, 2006

i am so addicted to sgspree now. i never knew online shopping could get so good. so so so so good. bts in fact. better than chocolate too. so far i like a a bag that looks like a banana, many many tops, and many many necklaces. that would set me back about $98765452354567675. death row for my wallet, bang bang bang, *deathly silence*.

do you think retail therapy works? i think it may. so, someone buy me that banana bag! it's.. US$80 not including postage. if not, give me a detailed map of a bank's floor plan k. here's a lovely webbie you just MUST visit:

my sis is definately leaving in 8 months. it's confirmed. ahhhhhh.. i asked her to work for two years first then go together with me, she said no. another option is to go together with her now. my parents said it's a good idea. but gosh, leaving singapore NOW? i'm only 17, i'm a kid k, i can't take care of myself.. but it does sound appealing though. a whole apartment for my sis and i. wheeeeee. and she'll be able to drive me around~!

should i go? should i? should i? i'm gonna pluck a flower and do the 'he loves me, he loves me not' thing, just that it'll be, 'i should go, i shouldn't go'. i'll pluck a chrysanthemum, it'll take me eons to decide. why do i have such random thoughts. gosh.

haha, girls don't find you attractive! i'm gloating, i'm soooo gloating. gloat until cannot gloat anymore. is that mean of me? not so right? i didn't wish for your balls to drop off (:.

Charmaine on 10:08:00 PM

you ask what is unconditional love. unconditional love is to care and worry about someone who can't even look you in the eye or bother to acknowledge your presence with a greeting. someone who disappoints friends with his actions time and again.

are you different, maybe. but are you misusing your 'uniqueness', oh hell yes. i wanted to tell you all this, but jeremy's right, what's the point? would you even feel any more guilt? what would happen? honestly, the last question doesn't really matter, our relationship can't get worse than this. so i typed all this out here. where you'll never read them huh.

you asked if there's anyone thinking of you. well, yes? like, many times in the day. i'll bet you've forgotten clean who i am and what happened. i on the other hand, remember probably every single detail. it's not that i want to, i swear. it's not you that i think of and remember anyway, it's the old you. the person you used to be? do you still keep in contact with him? yes? then why do you treat some of your friends like shit?

by the way, i AM so disgusted with myself. why do i keep harping on this, why do i keep going back there. i should be waaaay over this and like, checking out that new guy in lecture with sabby (:. *HINT SABBY HINT HINT HINT*

you are right about one thing, you're a numb nut when it comes to such things. gosh, this shouldn't even warrant a blog post. you're so wasting my time. but i can't seem to stop yet?

right, remember that you never gave me that box of her stuff? that turned out to be a good thing, cos if you had, there'd be a huge bonfire.

just remembered another reason why i love my sis so much. she didn't just want your balls dropping off. she said it'd be better for them to rot off slowly over a span of a year. and that it'd look so gross that no one would sleep with you and you'd die a virgin. i think she scares guys sometimes.

Charmaine on 2:18:00 AM

Saturday, November 04, 2006

have i mentioned before i have great, wonderful, amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, fabulous, delightful, marvelous, incredible, fantastic, terrific, sensational, awesome, magic, wicked, peachy swell friends?

no? do you believe me? sheesh how can you not believe that i have great, wonderful, amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, fabulous, delightful, marvelous, incredible, fantastic, terrific, sensational, awesome, magic, wicked, peachy swell friends? i've been moping and being terrible company for what... more than a month now, about 40+ days, and my friends have always been picking me up again. like, how much more patient can they get. my turn to cry happy tears now. haha. look at the proof of wonderful friendship!

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friendship is using photoshop for hours to draw funny pics of your friend in the wee hours of the morning (:

i looooooveeeee the pic hoohoo. i loooooove u too. thank you for making my day, my week probably. ah, i just found an eyelash on my keypad. i'll use your mama's method and blow it off my finger and make a wish for you k.

i seem to be shedding eye lashes. oh nooooo. chinese people already have so little. don't leave me my little beauties. noooooo. oh well, more eye lashes more wishes.

Charmaine on 2:34:00 AM

Friday, November 03, 2006

socpsy was interesting today. we were given a pen, two tissue packets, a milo packet and and.. i forgot what else. anyway, we were supposed to set out and sell these stuff for as much as we could for the fms pocket money fund in 40 mins.

my group managed to get $47.70! not bad for the team with the lowest efficacy (:. we pestered people for money, some were nice enough to just give us money and not take the items. i think that np people are rather giving, about 7/10 of the people would give us money. either that or we were really irritating.

country road is playing on my itunes now. ohmigosh. i can't believe that song is in there. ANYWAY, i had a nice long talk with my sister today. i love her so much, i can't believe she's going to leave me in prob about 8 mths. i'll miss walking the hallway to her room to talk to her when she's trying to read a book. i'll miss telling her all the gossip and her bitching to me about people. i'll miss asking her to help me with work and stuff. i'll miss borrowing her clothes. i hope she doesn't take all to australia with her (:.

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i luuuurrrvvveeeeeeee you (:
(this is a bad pic of my sis, she's actually rather hot k.)

we were talking about erm.. stuff. and she said i needed to build walls around my heart. she said i believe too easily, and when i do, i tend to throw myself into it. ahhh, jie. why are you always right about these stuff. you were right from the start, your first impression of him and all. did i actually believe what he said.. erm. i'd LIKE to say no. but yeah i did, to a certain extent of course. but i don't wanna build walls! walls bad, no walls good. i'd rather be hurt again. throwing yourself into things is fun~ i just threw myself on my parents bed and bounced around 4 times in a row, adrenaline rush. rawr.

oh right, i worry that my sis will never get married. then i'll never have nieces and nephews. i'd say she's... eligible and all. but she doesn't seem to be able to keep any lasting interest on ANY guy. like noooooooo..... no kids to call me auntie charmaine! so, all my friends out there, DON'T have protected sex ok? charmaine needs more kids to call her auntie (:.

i obviously won't be pregnant any time soon, i'm faaaaaar from it. so i'm going to rely on you guys! don't let me down! putting all my hopes on you guys. don't make me poke holes in your condoms.

i want to carry babies~ omigosh, i have baby fever.

Charmaine on 11:46:00 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

this is a belated post on my last weekend. there wasss pop at the fort on friday, steve's birthday celebrations on saturday, and sabby's open house on sunday.

starting on friday, we skipped school and stayed at rae's house to slack and make fun of twit blogs. i love how they entertain us =D. then we went to sabbys house to prepare. it was MADNESS there. try having like, 10 ppl in your house at the same time, about 6 of them girls, and all occupying various mirrors in the house trying to do their makeup. madness i tell you.

so pop at the fort was pretty poorly received. but to all those who didn't come, poo poo on you! we had FUN. i think it was the company that made it great though. be it jumping together with your friends, grabbing as many lightsticks as you can, sitting down chatting, having a conga line that keeps breaking, or looking at shafik shake his tushie.. we all had a blast!

of course there's always that lil itch factor whenever you-know-who's around, but ah.. seeing mona cry happy tears and trying to pair up estella with that dancer guy totally made up for it. i love my friends (:. i love it when they're happy. makes everything seem so much brighter, ya?

on to steve's birthday! happy belated again steve. and happy 18th birthday in advance, am i the first?? got him guitar picks and a shirt. he didn't cry.. but i think if he had more hyperactive tear glands he prob would have. we played pool later on, where i snapped happily at them, took pics of mok's and singyi's ass, mehul's lashes, limbo pics. wahaha, don't ask me why i took their asses. maybe cos when they bent over to shoot, their asses were always in my face. so not my fault k!

spent the night over at mona's. we played this spirit board game. i was pretty hesitant at first but it turned out fine. i' still wondering how the piece moved from place to place on the board cos i think none of us were pushing it.

yeah yeah. so we asked some questions. and if the board is accurate, i'm going to be marrying a caucasian british guy and have 5 kids. it'll be a happy marriage and will not end in divorce. nooooooo. like why caucasian. do you know how many times i bitch about my relatives diluting our chinese blood?? now i'm going to be a blood traitor too.

sabby's open house was great. nice food, i love the eclairs~ i think i emptied the tray. and many many sparklers. and thank you sabby for the kebaya you lent me. it's gorgeous (:. we watched miss vasantham. it's like the equivalent to miss chinatown or something. there were pretty few outstanding girls lookswise. i thought all of them would b drop-dead gorgeous cos well, indians have amazing features. i was pretty upset the bimbo didnt win though. anyway, the perfect thing to capture all that. xianjie's camera and his HUGEE flash. can light up things within a 100m radius or something, that thing is blinding.

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eating, yum yum

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on the way down to play with sparklers

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still on the way down

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nitha and i

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i look like a ghost. i know i know.

oh ya, do i look malay?? do i? do i?

will be updating with more pictures soon. my com still can't detect my camera. fujifilm must have something against macintosh.

Charmaine on 12:50:00 AM

today was amaaaaazing. like fun fun fun! so today's halloween, so mona, mehul, mok, rae, singyi, nigel, jeremy, sabby, steve and i were supposed to go orchard dressed up so ppl can stare at us.

but jeremy, steve and sabby couldn't make it.. poo on you guys! missed out on alot of fun. nigel left us halfway too. so the rest of us attention-seeking adventurers went to orchard for ppl to get an eyeful of us. you know why? cos.. an adventurer is us! ok, inside joke, nvm..

we dressed at mona's. there was mehul the RAWR pirate, mok the emo guy, mona and singyi the dead schoolgirls who look like they're from battle royale, rae as wednesday adams aka sexy slutty librarian, and me as.. supposed cheena prostitute. but i looked too decent, so i became, bashed-up cheena girl!

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nigel mutilating the bear

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end result

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rae preparing

i'll say mok and mehul have never looked better. mehul and mok both had eyeliner on, and even though i usually hate guys wearing eyeliner, mok and mehul looked GOOD.

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mehul the rawr pirate

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mok the emo guy

mona and singyi looked so realistic. fake blood, torn clothes, bruises everywhere. i'll say they looked more like dead raped slutty schoolgirls. oh and rae looked creepy with the mutilated bear nigel did for her, but without it, she still looks like a slutty librarian to me. any guy with a librarian fantasy? i hear rae's single..

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mona as dead schoolgirl

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singyi as dead schoolgirl

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dead schoolgirls together

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rae the slutty librarian/wednesday adams

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me as.. i don't know what exactly i was. dead cheena girl i guess.

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oh no! dead people don't smile! oh well.

by the way, i have to say, mona's make-up skills are amazing~ we totally looked bashd-up and dead. we heard some passers-by commenting that our make-up looked so real.

ok! so we met up with my looooovely beloved friends, hafiz, junjia and haris, chinese vampire, english vampire and white-faced guy in black respectively. have i mentioned i missed you guys? i miss your corny cheesy dirty jokes. aha.

yaya, so ppl were definately staring, and scaring lil kids can be so fun. mehul tried so hard to be scary and rawr at ppl, but they just didnt seem to care, maybe cos he looked too much like johnny depp and ppl were too busy checking out his butt, or non-existence of it (:.

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hot right?

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we sang for candy! but no one gave us any :(

we took pics with random ppl on the streets with costumes on. there was this guy, TOTALLY covered in black cloth and ARMOUR. very cute, i wanted to see his face, but he kept grunting and not saying anything. not that grunting's bad. aha!

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the fun ended all too soon cos we all had to rush home to meet curfews. but next time we'll definately spend less time eating and more time walking around.

note: i know i should be doing my homework now, but i just can't seem to start. heh. tmr! i promise myself, tmr i shall start.

i don't know why you still affect me so. i worry about you and stuff. and i so shouldn't, cos i can see pretty clearly, you couldn't really care less about me. i don't know why i bother so much about you anymore, this person i'm seeing is so not the guy i fell for. i worry when you drink, i worry when you smoke, i worry when you change so much. i've never really seen this side of you before. maybe i have, but not so much of it. not that it's going to mean anything to anyone, but, i hate what you've turned into. that's just my opinion anyway. the dreams are coming back, and in the dream i keep trying to find you, maybe its symbolic. i still keep you in my prayers.

Charmaine on 12:17:00 AM