Friday, June 29, 2007

im sitting in the atrium with my newswriting homework in front of me. everything is completed EXCEPT the story itself.

i don't think i'm cut out to be a journalist.

Charmaine on 12:09:00 PM

Monday, June 25, 2007

i think i found where to look to for happiness. it's a place that comes to you when you close your eyes. somewhere in the middle of your chest. you focus on it, and the feeling slowly rolls over the rest of your body like a trickle. and when it reaches your fingers and toes, you get a tingly warmth and calm.

somehow, after all that, when you open your eyes again, your vision seems brighter. but the place to draw that joy from is your choice entirely. i guess it seems like utter nonsense.

Charmaine on 10:10:00 PM


Charmaine on 12:32:00 AM

Friday, June 22, 2007

i don't want to be a teen anymore. everything gets so emotional.

i hate change. i hate insecurities. if i wasn't so self conscious my friends probably wouldn't recognise me.

im sorry guy-ranting blog! i've let you down.

i want to be a guy. i'll use the urinal everyday. and the male toilet won't be the soul-sucking devil portal hole that it is now. and then i'll crossdress and totally freak guys out by stroking them unsuspectingly on the neck.

i love this quote about nicole richie:

"Please eat, Nicole. If I pulled a cake out of the oven and dipped you into it, I would know whether it was done baking. You shouldn't diet yourself down to wood-shaving status. Open your mouth, shovel food into it, chew, swallow, and then KEEP IT THERE."


according to fairytale traditions.

• rich marry poor
• ugly marry pretty
• tramps marry ladies
• mermaid marry human
• royalty exchange bodily fluids with frogs
• people fall in love in a day
• bookworms like hairy men named beast

so i wonder how our lives would turn out if we lived in fairytales. im guessing we would... marry a fhot hobo with a fish tail protrusion in a day after we crashed into the magical tree of life in our pumpkin carriage because we were drooling over a hair-covered man in the bushes and the hobo came to rescue us from our orange seedy prison under the guise of carving the pumpkin for next halloween.

and then we'll live happily every after in the castle's dungeons drinking each others' blood for sustenance.

Charmaine on 11:32:00 PM

Saturday, June 09, 2007

yellow nail polish is the bomb

most fun i've ever had in 873496 days. thank you timbre!

cute guys, good music, lychee martini, cute guys, great pizza, free drink. how can that combination ever go wrong?

i think all chris-es that sing are hot. chris from caracal. wooohooo.

so. if you thought that 3 hot girls sitting in a bar would get some masculine attention, you're absolutely right. two really cute guys came up to our table and started dancing all around. then they proceeded to stick their tongues out in this really cute way. when they had to leave, they got sooo upset about leaving us too.

ok. they had the combined age of ten. but STILL. free sprite anyway. poo.

sab asked me this really sudden random question, she asked if i was ready to date. like.. yeah i'm ready. the question is if im ready to let go of my anger. im not sure. some days i think, 'oh gawwd. let it go already.' then others i remember and i just get so mad and upset.

anyway. fun day. yay!

Charmaine on 11:30:00 PM

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby


i wanna have your babies. i see them popping up like daisies.


ivan koumaev is LOVE.

Charmaine on 1:03:00 PM